We are leaving tomorrow morning back to Michigan and myself, I want to stay longer! All of us said "Arigatougozaimasu" to JCMU staff and students who has help us out alot during our stay in Japan sincerely. I hope that I can come back to Japan to visit JCMU in the future! Here is a brief summary for today
One sad news is that my laptop is broken. The screen is a blend of white, pink and black. I really don’t know what happened to it, I never smash or drop it anywhere!
Our last scenic spot in Hikone, Japan is Hikone Castle.
Arriving here early, we had time to try Octopus cake, which is very delicious to me.
Back to the castle, this is a very beautiful place. For the first time in my life, I get to observe Japanese architecture with my own eyes. The landscape around this castle gives me a sense of calmness. I also read about the history of the Hikone Castle more online. I learn that its construction was begun in 1603, by Ii Naokatsu, son of the former lord, Ii Naomasa, but was not completed until 1622. Naokatsu's lands had been taken from him in the interval by the Tokugawa shogunate, and when his brother Naotake assumed control of Omi Province, he was able to complete the castle by collecting stones from the former Sawayama Castle. When the Meiji period began in 1868, many castles were scheduled to be dismantled and only a request from the emperor himself, touring the area, kept Hikone Castle intact. Today it remains one of the oldest original-construction castles in Japan. This is a brief history of the Castle.
We were so lucky to meet Hikonyan today and took a group picture with him.
We had lunch with two JCMU staff and received our certificates from JCMU. We also share memories through the trip with the professors and other students. Mine were my first time riding a bike and water rafting.
We spent a night at AP Hotel in Osaka. Everybody was wearing a mask due to the swine flu outbreak in here so I am a little afraid. I took out the mask to wear it but it was not comfy because I couldn't breath.
Monzer, Ellina, Suyash, Fatima and I discovered Osaka area near the airport at night. In Osaka, there were more crowded than Hikone at night. People are out on the street a lot. We have to wake up early tomorrow to fly to Tokyo so we need to get back soon.
During this trip, I lost my jacket, lost 1000NT, my laptop is broken...But still, I still enjoy this trip a lot. It is really memorable to me when I learn two new cultures, visit new places, make good friendship, build more strength in me and trying different things. It has helped broadening my mind and gaining my knowledge.
Once again,
Thank you, Xiaxia ni and Arigatougozaimasu!